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Monday 12 May 2014

I was in my own world of labour

I had a home birth with my first child in 2008. It was a wonderful, special experience and I wish more women could experience childbirth in the way that I did.

Home birth was not something I had considered at all in early pregnancy, not because I was against it but just because I thought babies were born in hospitals these days! The suggestion first came from my midwife who said having a baby at home could be lovely. I dismissed it at the time, but I think she had put the seed in my head.

As my pregnancy progressed I had a look around the hospital delivery suite and heard about the various pain relief options and interventions and the more I learned the more I felt I would be more comfortable and relaxed at home.  I really felt I could have my baby without intervention in the right setting, where I felt calm and in control - and that for me was at home.

The actual labour started very gently and my daughter was born 24 hours later in the living room, with my partner, mum and cat looking on! In the early stages it was lovely to be at home; I remember watching Strictly Come Dancing and reading trashy magazines between contractions. As the labour became more established I was able to move around the house, have a bath, and lean on the sofa and worktop - anything that made me more comfortable.

The only problem I had was making the midwives believe I was in established labour on the phone - I think I was too calm so they told me to wait longer before they would come out to me. In the end one midwife came an hour before the birth and the second minutes before the birth.  It didn't really matter, I was in my own world of labour anyway and wasn't that aware of who was around me, but it did mean they wouldn't allow me in the birthing pool without two midwives present and the gas and air was delivered too late for me to benefit from.

However, the overall experience will always remain with me as a very special and wonderful time, and one which I'd happily repeat. It was the birth I wanted and that was right for me.

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