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Friday 16 May 2014

Avoided induction

I gave birth to a girl on 11/12/13' 8lb 8 oz and she is called Beatrice.

I gave birth at 42 weeks so just managed the home birth! I did have a bit of pressure to be induced, but resisted a few more days!
My contractions started about 4.30 am Tuesday but were sporadic. They got closer together about 2.30 on Wednesday morning. I called the midwife at 8.30 am when they were very close together and getting stronger. She came and examined me and I was 4-5 cm which was good as if I wasn't in established labour they would not have let me have a home birth. Everything developed well and I really enjoyed being at home. When I was examined at 5.30 pm I was fully dilated and ready to start pushing. First push and my waters broke. I pushed for 2 hours at home, but she wouldn't come out! I had to be transferred to hospital. They did a small cut and she was out within 20 mins. She had her hand up which was stopping her exit.

I really enjoyed being at home for the majority of the labour. I'm really glad I put off having an induction as I knew she would come when she was ready.

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