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Thursday 15 May 2014

Born on a snowy night

Here's announcing the arrival of our baby girl EP, born 23rd January at 3:46 am.

We were pleased that we did have her at home without much fuss which is what M and I wanted. I felt that I was having early contractions when I was at your yoga class on Tuesday night, but they were so mild that I didn't think much of them. I came home and relaxed with Matt for a couple of hours. At about 11:30 we decided to call the midwives to let them know that I was in the early stages of labour. They offered to send someone out but I just wanted to let them know as it was snowing that we would need someone later. I then tried to sleep for a couple of hours but just ended up resting. At 1 I woke Matt up and we phoned the midwife at about half one. They came out for about two thirty, when they arrived the contractions were still mild but about 4 mins apart and i was only 4cm. From there on in things progressed quickly.

By 3:30 was feeling sick so went to the loo, once there I felt ready to push which did confuse me a little as my waters still hadn't broken. I called Matt and we plus midwives made it into the bedroom where as soon as I got there my waters broke 3:41 am that's when the contractions really started to hurt. 5 mins later she was born!

I had a natural delivery of the placenta which took about an hour, during which time I had a fabulous cuddle and Eloise had a feed.

Then the two of us had a bath and Matt, myself and the two midwives a cuppa.

How lovely an experience. My older boys slept through it all and were woken up to a new baby sister Wednesday morning.

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