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Friday 16 May 2014

Baby in a hurry

Well baby Fred arrived in a rather speedy fashion on Saturday afternoon, 5 days late.  He had stayed the right way up following the breech concern at 37 weeks so we continued with the home birth plan, at 4.10 pm we left warley woods and headed home and i had felt some regular Braxton hicks whilst out.  i started cooking a fish pie for tea and realised they were definitely contractions!!! kept having to stop stirring to hold onto the side by 5pm couldn't concentrate and served a rather mediocre dinner!!!  Oscar rang the midwives as the contractions were about 2 minutes apart. I  coped upstairs by walking and had tens machine on which i found helpful.  Oscar realised things were moving fast and started to fill the pool whilst trying to get the girls to bed an hour early!!  I tried lying down on my left to slow it down a bit.  By 6pm the kids were settling to bed bless them they were really confused.  I stayed in the lounge again lying on my side to try to slow things but i didn't get any breaks in the contractions at this point and can only describe it as a steam train!!  Unfortunately the battery went on the tens so the last couple of contractions were overwhelmingly powerful and i was desperate to be in the pool but it was only a third full at this stage.  I had to focus my mind and use my breath.  By 6.10pm i felt calm and oscar was trying to ring the midwives to see how far they were when my waters gushed out followed by the urge to push.  We tried to get me on my knees but i couldn't move so stayed on my left side (at least we got my trousers off!!!)  then 3 pushes later and the head was out followed quite quickly by the body and oscar scooped him up onto my chest.  A boy he cried as the midwives knocked on the door it was 6.23pm.
Unfortunately i had a little tear but opted for no stitches.  We realised this was due to the fact he was actually back to back so head circumference was rather large.  The midwives and student were lovely and i had a natural third stage which took 50 minutes and continuous skin to skin.  Fred weighed 9lb 1ounce and is beautiful.  I finally ate some dinner at 9.30 pm and we were tucked up in bed by 11pm.  The girls woke up to a new brother and are mad about him.  Despite having no pain relief or midwives I loved having my second home birth, such a wonderful environment to welcome Fred into the world.  He is feeding well and we are all mad about him.

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