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Tuesday 6 October 2015

My wonder baby

It wasn't anywhere near as fast as it was expected to be after my previous experiences (4 hours for my first baby, also born at home, <1hr 15mins for my twins following induction by breaking my waters at hospital). 

I started getting contractions at about 9pm on Sunday 6/9/15; the on call home birth midwife, CG, got to me about 12:30am Monday 7/9/15; I got in the pool about 3am; pushing from about 4:15am (according to my notes - if I'm honest timings are a bit blurry!); & she was born into the water at 4:40am. I caught her & my husband cut the cord. 

As with my previous water birth, she didn't cry at all & was/is incredibly calm. She got 9/9 for APGAR. 

The labour was probably my easiest, but the birth was my hardest by far, at 8lb 3oz, she is my biggest baby by almost 1lb - I'm guessing that's why! Still managed it all with just the water for pain relief though, combined with skills learned at pregnancy yoga/natal hypnotherapy. 

After her birth, I really struggled for about 1.5 hours, & the midwife was considering transferring me to hospital, but thankfully I started to get it together. I needed stitches again, for a 2nd degree tear. 

We'd had no sleep though & I'd lost quite a bit of blood so was a bit weak & pathetic on Monday, however my wonder baby let me get 7+ hours sleep both nights since, so I've been like a different person since yesterday morning.

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