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Thursday 4 June 2015

First time mum recommends home birth

Joseph was born on Sunday 3rd March at 3 pm weighing 8lb 4oz. He is absolutely beautiful! 

My contractions started at 5 on Friday night and were up to 6 minutes apart. We phoned the home birth team and Elaine and Jackie came out to see me. They assessed me but as I had not had a show, my waters had not broken and I was only 2 cm dilated we decided to wait a while. The ladies left me to get some rest and see if I could move things along. 

After a whole day of contractions which progressed to 5 minutes apart, Angela came out from the home birth team to reassess me. Unfortunately I was still only 3 cm dilated and not in active labour so I needed to wait as I did not want to be induced. 

As I was exhausted, Angela did some relaxation strategies with me and I fell asleep and managed to rest. At half 4 Angela and Marion came back to reassess me and things were starting to progress so we got the pool ready. The ladies were amazing and talked me through the whole process. They also made sure that my husband and mum were ok too. At 8 the shift changed and Fiona, Jackie and Emma arrived. They were wonderful! With a mix of Equinox and the pool, my labour progressed and I had a show. 

Fiona broke my waters and talked me through my labour. It was a team effort and we managed to push him out! It was amazing to see my baby come out into the water and I was able to slowly lift him up. He was so calm and peaceful looking around with beautiful blue eyes. 

Unfortunately I had a second degree tear so transferred to hospital to be stitched up. We came home 3 hours later. The next day Elaine and Helen came out to see me to check Joseph and help me with breast feeding as I was finding it very difficult.

I would recommend the home birth team to everyone and particularly first time mums! I was very nervous about giving birth but had a whole team of friendly and supportive midwives who were there for the whole weekend. Being at home was so lovely.

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