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Thursday 4 June 2015

First time mum recommends home birth

Joseph was born on Sunday 3rd March at 3 pm weighing 8lb 4oz. He is absolutely beautiful! 

My contractions started at 5 on Friday night and were up to 6 minutes apart. We phoned the home birth team and Elaine and Jackie came out to see me. They assessed me but as I had not had a show, my waters had not broken and I was only 2 cm dilated we decided to wait a while. The ladies left me to get some rest and see if I could move things along. 

After a whole day of contractions which progressed to 5 minutes apart, Angela came out from the home birth team to reassess me. Unfortunately I was still only 3 cm dilated and not in active labour so I needed to wait as I did not want to be induced. 

As I was exhausted, Angela did some relaxation strategies with me and I fell asleep and managed to rest. At half 4 Angela and Marion came back to reassess me and things were starting to progress so we got the pool ready. The ladies were amazing and talked me through the whole process. They also made sure that my husband and mum were ok too. At 8 the shift changed and Fiona, Jackie and Emma arrived. They were wonderful! With a mix of Equinox and the pool, my labour progressed and I had a show. 

Fiona broke my waters and talked me through my labour. It was a team effort and we managed to push him out! It was amazing to see my baby come out into the water and I was able to slowly lift him up. He was so calm and peaceful looking around with beautiful blue eyes. 

Unfortunately I had a second degree tear so transferred to hospital to be stitched up. We came home 3 hours later. The next day Elaine and Helen came out to see me to check Joseph and help me with breast feeding as I was finding it very difficult.

I would recommend the home birth team to everyone and particularly first time mums! I was very nervous about giving birth but had a whole team of friendly and supportive midwives who were there for the whole weekend. Being at home was so lovely.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Born at home and avoided a hospital transfer

Marlee was born Thursday 26th March at 22:00 weighed 8lb 11 (due 25th March).

Thursday 26th March started as usual with me taking my daughter to nursery as normal in the morning. When I returned home I had some more breakfast as feeling very hungry I then decided to do the ironing, whilst ironing I was getting low backache and tightenings which seemed to be coming quite regularly so I decided to time them. I Found that they were lasting about 45 seconds and coming every 4 minutes, I was comfortable and able to continue what I was doing. This continued throughout the morning and when I went to the toilet I noticed some bloody discharge and realised my body was getting ready but thought it would be a while yet.

After some lunch I went to harborne as I had a reflexology appointment at 14:30, the backache and tightenings continued regularly throughout at a bearable level. The treatment was lovely and relaxing (don't know if it helped at all as stuff was already happening). I returned home around 16:00 and things remained at the same level (lasting 45 sec and every 4 mins) for the next couple of hours. My husband picked our daughter up from nursery and put her to bed at 18:30 as I didn't feel able to do the bedtime routine, I spent this time sitting on my birth ball doing circles, figure of eights and just generally rocking. Around this time the tightenings started to come every 2-3 mins with intensity increasing slightly. I continued to tidy up and spend time sitting on the birth ball. At 7pm I decided I should contact the midwives to let them know that I was in labour I spoke to Jo from the home birth team and let her know the contractions were around every 3 minutes or so, she let me know who was on call that night and it was Elaine (my named midwife) which was nice, she contacted Elaine as the shift change over is at 8pm and said to ring back if things changed. The contractions were still manageable and I was able to keep moving. After speaking to Jo my husband and I ate our dinner then I had a call from Elaine at 19:20 (just finished dinner) at which point things were starting to get a little more painful and were coming at times every 1 - 2 minutes always around 45 seconds long but a bit erratic. On hearing this Elaine said they would be coming round at 8. After eating my husband got on with organising our lounge to set up the birth pool, it's a small house so we were unable to have it set up before hand. Elaine rang again just before 8 to check how we were doing, everything was at that point has become more intense and I would have to stop what I was doing and lean over onto something and do some hip circles and deep breathing trying to remain relaxed, focusing on my breathing and the movement helped me to cope.

Elaine and Angela arrived just after 8pm, I had just been to the toilet, the pool was up but hadn't been filled yet, my husband started to fill the pool while the midwives set up their equipment. I then went upstairs with Elaine so she could listen to the baby's heartbeat and check position, I was offered a vaginal examination which I declined (Elaine supported and encouraged this decision). Whilst upstairs the contractions kept coming regularly and fairly strong and I would have to get Elaine to stop, whilst I coped with them by getting onto all fours doing hip circles and focusing on my breathing, when the contractions were over I felt good and we went back downstairs.

Once downstairs the intensity continued to increase and I remained in a kneeling position leaning on my birth ball and doing circles when a contraction came (they were now lasting about a minute). We were encouraged to do what felt right and to dim the lights and just be together. My husband gave me some sacral massage during this time as well, and at one point Elaine or Angela (not sure which as I was focused on my body) gave me a back massage. Just before 9pm I suddenly remembered my TENS machine but by this time the pool was about ready so there was no time to use it.

Just after 9pm I was able to get into the pool in between contractions, it instantly felt soothing and very comfortable, ( I had previously been concerned about what to wear in the pool but when it came to it I quickly stripped off and didn't care that I was naked with others around) I continued to be on my knees leaning on the side of the pool holding my husbands hand and circling, I had been in the pool only a short while (I think) when I decided I needed to use some of the gas and air (which had been delivered shortly after the midwives arrived). I was able to continue using the deep breathing and hypnobirthing relaxing techniques with the gas and air to breath through the contractions whilst listening to my relaxing music. Whilst in the pool Angela said to me that she could see a good purple line (I didn't know what that was at the time) which apparently can give an indication of how dilated you are. It wasn't too long, around 21:50, before I started to push using the gas and air and my breathing techniques, I was able to feel when babies head came out still in the membranes (continued to be on my knees leaning against the side of the pool). I remember Elaine talking to me and telling me to just breath, don't think I was able to follow her instructions as I remember her saying them whilst needing to push and not being able to not push with the intense pressure I felt, 10 minutes later our baby girl was born at 22:00 the membranes broke as she came out and Elaine had to wipe the membranes off of her face. She was then passed to me (we still didn't know it was a girl at that point) but she had the cord wrapped around her neck so there was a bit of manoeuvring to remove it, we then had skin to skin.

Whilst enjoying the cuddles and awaiting the placenta to be delivered I was asked to get out of the pool as the midwives had noticed that I was bleeding and wanted to examine me to find out where the blood was coming from, they found I had a 2nd degree tear. I was left with some pads for a short time awaiting delivery of the placenta then went into the bathroom to try and encourage the placenta to come away, but I wasn't having any contractions and was still bleeding quite badly so it was suggested that I have a the injection to help deliver the placenta, within a few minutes of having the injection the placenta came away. Over the next hour I was stitched up, using some gas and air, whilst my husband had skin to skin with the baby and her checks and assessments were performed.

All assessments went well apart from the oxygen saturation on baby's feet which weren't within the correct range, so they continued to check these and tried multiple times to obtain a good reading. Angela stayed trying to get a reading until about 03:00 (during this time I had a bath and got cleaned up) when she still didn't get the right reading she called the hospital and it was decided that we should go in to get baby checked on the hospital equipment, so an ambulance was called. When baby and I got onto the ambulance her oxygen levels were rechecked on their equipment and we finally had some good readings, so another call to the hospital was made and we were allowed to stay at home, which was great news and a huge relief. So we went back inside where my husband was emptying the pool (he couldn't come to the hospital as we didn't have anyone to stay with our eldest daughter who had slept through everything). Angela then finished her documentation and was finally able to leave around 04:00, I then went up to bed with baby while my husband finished putting the pool away.

Our eldest daughter then got up around 06:30 to find a new baby sister, which was a lovely way to introduce the new baby. Having a Homebirth was all that we hoped it would be and would recommend it to everyone. The breathing techniques and yoga positions learned in class were especially helpful, I would also recommend some hypnobirthing practice, I never seemed to get around to sitting down and concentrating on this properly but what little I did helped me to focus on breathing and relaxing. I have felt so much better, healed and recovered this second time around than I did with my first where my whole body ached afterwards, think I was quite tense and unable to relax the first time as we ended up in the delivery suite where it was very bright and uncomfortable.

Marlee is now 7 weeks old and everything is going well, she is a fairly calm baby and loves to have a bath, it often really settles her if she is getting a bit grumpy before bed.