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Friday 7 November 2014

I had been having twinges all week and everyday at some point I thought "this could be it!" But they never got into a rhythm that lasted longer than 2 or 3 hours.

Finally on Thursday morning at about 6 ish my waters broke and continued to trickle......I had a few twinges after that but again nothing began to establish, so after a very long walk at approx 12.30pm with the family, I decided to have a kip. I slept for about 2hrs and when I woke up the twinges had disappeared completely. I think they came back about 4 or 5 and began to get into a rhythm we started to time them although I knew it was early labour the sensations were getting stronger. I had been bouncing on my ball and staying upright and at around 10pm I called the midwife and she came out, she examined me and I was only 2cm dilated, so left. After that they eased off for a bit but at about 2am the sensations had increased in pressure and I was hoping to get into the pool (I'd completely forgot about my tens machine!). The midwife came out examined me again and I was still only 2-3cm arrghh!!!! So she went. Again the twinges decreased for a bit.

I was so disheartened, and cross with myself. At around 3am I sent my husband to bed as he'd been up as long as me and I knew he'd need his strength for later.

The feelings were strong but I knew they should be stronger, so I ate dates, after every date I had a contraction which was more powerful than the last and at around 4.45am I threw up, and that's when things started moving!!!! I woke my hubs and asked him to get the pool ready, I rang the midwife and told her I needed to get in the pool. She asked me to wait as she didn't want baby coming whilst she wasn't there. I waited as long as I could and at 7ish about 1min before she arrived I got in the pool, the pain eased immediately, at 8am she examined me but I was still only 2-3cm, at this point I was so disheartened I asked if I could go the hospital and have an epidural as I was knackered and it isn't called "labour" for nothing! It was decided that if things hadn't started to get going by 12pm I'd go in. I was offered gas & air and along with my hubs awesome sacral skills that eased things.

The next exam was at about 10ish and I was 4cm....WOOHOOO the magic number! At about 11am I had asked hubby to get in the pool, he was reluctant but I gave him no choice, I was getting urges to push I was examined and was 8cm so was told to breath thru by 11.30 I really needed to push I was examined again and told that if the midwife stayed where she was for the next contraction she could "fold the remaining cervix" over babys head, then I could let rip on the pushing front. Jeez, that was an experience, needless to say I asked if the midwife could remove herself from the position at this time! (In the back of my mind was my previous birth experience and that was not helping) I wanted to push but wanted to be entirely sure it was ok to do so, so I was holding off. The midwife suggested another exam and if this time, if needed, to be able to do the folding, at 12ish I agreed. A few min after, around 12.10pm my hubby got out the pool to use the loo, when the next contraction eased, by the time he got back she was half way in the world, he didn't miss the important bit! She was born at 12.19pm!

Sacral massage from the hubs, breathing correctly, and gas and air saved the day! 

There were times (lots) when I just wanted to give up, go to hospital and have drugs! but with my husband's and the midwive's encouragement, I stayed at home and birthed the way I wanted to.

I want to thank Paula's Pregnancy Yoga for the lessons she taught about breathing, being upright and moving,  and especially sacral massage!!!!

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