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Wednesday 5 November 2014

Un-planned home birth

Baby Lucas arrived at 6.30 yesterday morning. The day before, Tuesday, I was quite unwell, although without any pains, and went to the Women’s, where I was told I probably just had a stomach bug. Now I think it was more likely to be labour starting!

Anyway, I spent a good night, and my waters broke at 5.40am on Wednesday, almost without warning, although my midwife had been telling me for days that labour looked imminent! We called the hospital to expect us, had a quick shower, turn the TENS on (god, it was soooo helpful!) and by the time I finished dressing, at around 6.10-6.15am, I realised the baby was coming. My husband then called an ambulance. It took the paramedics about 10min to arrive, at which point I really felt I had to push - the lady paramedic who took charge of the situation didn’t even have time to take her coat off, as she could see the head already! She said I could push - three pushes and the baby was out!

The funny thing is that this all happened about 5 metres away from where my son was sleeping - and he didn’t wake up!! Eventually, he did, but I think it was more due to the 10 people helping us moving around than my screams, bless him. At least he didn’t witness any of the trauma!

Luckily, I delivered the placenta naturally about 25min later. Then, all the necessary arrangements were made to take me and Lucas to the hospital, where we were properly checked, I got stitched up (second degree tear, unsurprisingly!) and got confirmation that everything was fine. They weighed and measured Lucas - 9lb 15oz, and 6 hours later, they sent us home. Everything worked out fine, thank goodness.

It was obviously very intense and scary. For a while before the paramedics arrived, I really thought we would have to deliver the baby on our own. Luckily, professional help arrived in the nick of time.

So there you go, a perfect example that you cannot plan anything when it comes to birth and labour!! And also, that nature is actually pretty smart and your body can cope with pretty much anything!

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